Child dedication is a commitment between parents and the church that each will do their part to see the child discover and fulfill God’s unique purpose for his or her life. Child dedications are held twice a year during our weekend worship services.


• Parent(s) have made a commitment to following Jesus. We recognize that there are many families in which only one parent has come to faith. In this case we would invite the believing parent to participate on the stage, and the entire family can join for the prayer time after the services.
• Parent(s) are regular attenders of Christ Community’s weekend services, agree with the beliefs and values, and are committed to actively growing in those values.
• Parent(s) are committed to raising their child to know God and model Christ-like love in their own lives.
• We ask parents who are living together and who are not married to take steps to acknowledge and surrender to God’s plan for their relationship before participating in a child-dedication service.