Membership is a way of saying “I’m all in! This church is my church.” You can attend Christ Community and not be a member. You can serve and give at Christ Community and not be a member. Many local churches differ in how they think about and utilize official church membership. Some don’t have official membership at all. And there’s nothing really wrong with that. So, how does membership work at Christ Community? Why become a member? Good questions!

This online discipleship course is a collection of videos and reading assignments that equips people to thrive as followers of Jesus in this local congregation. Taking this course is how people become official members here at Christ Community. Certain leadership/ministry roles at Christ Community require membership. Membership is available for those in 9th grade and older. It will take about five hours to complete and covers things like:

  • Why Membership?
  • History of Christ Community: Where did we come from?
  • Vision and Mission: What are we doing?
  • Governance: Who oversees this place?
  • Ecclesiology: What is the Church? What is a local church?
  • Pastors and church members: Who does what?

This online membership class is on-demand and can be started at any time. You can start, stop, and pick back up where you left off at your convenience. You’ll get to ask questions along the way and you’ll connect with a pastor for a one-on-one conversation at the end of the course.


STEP ONE: Fill out online membership application form

STEP TWO: After submitting your membership application, it will be reviewed, then you will receive an emailed link to complete the online membership course

STEP THREE: After completing the online membership course, you will be contacted to meet with a pastor at your Christ Community Campus to finalize your membership

Need Help?

If you need any assistance along the way, please contact: